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07961 388248
We are specialists in cleaning, maintaining, & restocking of ponds and living filtration systems.
Pond Cleaning Specialists
If your tired of your overgrown Pond or Waterfall we are experts at Pond cleaning and maintenance.
Overgrown and invasive plants like bullrushes removed and eradicated completely in a maintenance program
Our pond cleaning & maintenance service is available to come and restore your pond to its original glory.

Well-managed ponds support a vast range of wildlife, including aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, pollinating insects, amphibians, reptiles, bats, wetland plants, farmland birds and mammals. Pond creation and restoration are hot topics, because over the last century the majority of farmland ponds have been lost or degraded due to changing agricultural practices.

Please contact us for an informal chat and further information.
07961 388248
Working with Stewart Hayes with vast experience and knowledge in wildlife gardens and water landscaping

Does your pond need restoring to its original beauty ? re-stocking? Cleaning ? then get in touch for a free estimate.